
Conversation Hijacking

There is now a new sneaky phishing technique that is definitely on the rise. Its primary target is conversation hijacking attacks. These vicious attacks try to trick someone into unknowingly transfer money, install malware, or provide the attacker with valuable login credentials.

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7 Tips for Crafting a Strong Password

Passwords. Everyone has ‘em. We gotta have ‘em. Some security researchers imagine a world where passwords are eliminated, but for now they are all we have in terms of keeping accounts and information secure. Though you may think your password rocks, and you’re being kept safe by those little black dots hiding your password while you type, passwords are heavily exploited for a few reasons..

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Selling Cybersecurity to SMBs [2020 Guide]

Selling cybersecurity products and services should be an easy sell to small-medium business clients. After all, they are the target of most ransomware attacks. But these services are often hard to get customer buy-in for a few reasons...

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